Creamy Whites

Hello Everyone,
      Speaking of creamy whites we received a good dusting of the white stuff last night. I did hear a chance of flurries but I was surprised to see the ground white when I got up this morning. It is a little reminder that winter is coming and it is time to get those outdoor chores done!
  I have been making some little  changes around here, as I seem to do every year at this time, and I thought you might like to see what I was up to.Since our home is going to be on a 'Homes for the Holidays" tour I like to get an early start on my decorating. This year, as in the past our little garden cottage becomes the Christmas Cottage and I am thinking of a creamy white theme.So I have put away the summery dishes and gathered up some of my creamy whites to display in the little corner cupboard that my husband built for me.
So I am giving you a sneak preview today.

Winter whites above from last years photos. I have decided against having a separate Christmas blog this year
due to time restrictions. I suddenly realized that I was having a hard enough time to keep one blog going let alone two! However, I look forward to having lots of  Christmasy posts here soon.

Visit Hakan here for Show Off Saturday.

Enjoy your weekend!


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